It has been with interest that I have examined the statistics from my latest blogs. All about mental health in the workplace, these blogs may have challenged the reader with regard to an authentic response. So I have checked out how many have commented or liked them against the number of people who have read them. The question is what does it tell us?
As an executive coach I spend many hours with senior leaders, business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. They bring a variety of situations into the room as they seek to reach their goals in business and in life.
They can also bring issues of mental well-being and the struggles that we all face from time to time. The stresses and strains of normal life.
Thus, I am often compelled to blog about the issues highlighted in the news that are so often seen in the lives of those I work with. Recently there has been a deluge of information around suicide, thus my posts.
To like or not to like and why.
I am intrigued at the amount of people who read my articles. Compared to the very low numbers of people who ‘like’ them.
Is that they don’t like them? Or is it more about what others may think about them if they do.
In a recent conversation about this very issue, someone commented on my blogs. They told me how good they thought they were. They also said they were anxious about people thinking about them in a negative way. So did not comment on them.
Why are keeping mental health struggles in the arena of silence?
Shame and guilt once again, is causing us to only bring the most presentable parts of ourselves.
What is the pay-off for this? A continual mask, ensuring a degree of disconnect that goes against the grain. We all after all, seek connection.
The fall out of continual mask wearing, is that it prevents us from connecting with others. It ensures that communication remains on a surface level.
Be authentic, people like that!
I am fascinated about the way people respond when I speak about my past resolved issues.
When I speak about addiction, or for example pornography, people seek me out as a coach.
Why? Because I am a real person. My authenticity, plus my professional skills, means that they feel safe to be open with me
Click what you like and maybe say why.
Here is my challenge. Why not click what you like and possibly explain why. The truth of who you are will undoubtedly help others know that you are is authentic and trustworthy.
So, whatever your role, senior or not. Watch what happens when you take off your mask!