by susiefj | Jan 19, 2021 | coaching, corporate, resilience, wholeheartedness
Breathing to support our mental health. The new century has come of age – 21. It used to be tradition to be given a key on a 21st birthday. The key was to open the door to the rest of your life. But here we are in 2021 wondering what has hit us, and the last...
by susiefj | Nov 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
We all have a primary need to belong, but the past 6 months have brought a degree of isolation not known before. We have all had to learn to communicate remotely and this has been very troublesome for many: Unable to hug and reach out for a handshake or receive a...
by susiefj | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Coaching and counselling are close cousins, but where do they overlap? What do coaches need to be able to manage as they work with more mental health issues? In this webinar I discuss the challenges coaches face, particularly as the lock-down affects so many in...
by susiefj | Apr 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
As the days continue long and without end before us, we need balance. When the constraints to our freedom, even if we know we are playing our part, weigh heavy on us, we need space to restore.. When our people at work and in our families suffer to one degree or...
by susiefj | Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
These are unfamiliar times. In these unprecedented times it is to be expected that we will become anxious and afraid sometimes. Uncertainty for the future will unleash all sort of worries. Some real and some not. The question is: How do we manage our thoughts? Last...